Let's all try to find common grounds over the Universal Principles and Values that have been derived through God's path of Logic and Compassion which can make it possible for the Humanity as a whole to ascend out of its current animalistic and to some extent evil state of mind and existence that has now brought the World to the brink of destruction on so many fronts.
The current Era that is based on suppression, oppression, inequality, slavery, abuse, torture, killing, and War and which is fueled by the bad human characteristics of greed, lust, delinquency, hate, cruelty, jealousy, prejudice, and lack of empathy has to be brought to an end and get replaced with a New Era that makes it possible for everyone to be able to live a righteous, productive, safe, secure, healthy, and happy life while being at peace with each other and with the Environment and all the life forms and entities that it contains whether natural or artificial.
If we use all the advancements in technology such as artificial intelligence, quantum computing, robotics, and automation for peace rather than for war we can finally bring lasting security and peace to the whole World for generations to come.